
TuYa(塗鴉)整合到Home Assistant


一、安裝「智能生活」App(uya Smart app or Smart Life app)

二、註冊「智能生活」帳號,帳號地區 台灣

  1. 加入設備

三、註冊TuYa IOT帳號

  1. 首頁 右上角選 English,才能用Email註冊)
  2. 進入後選個人使用
  3. My Account/Basic Information\Country/Region設定為United States of America
  4. Cloud\Development\Create Cloud Project
  5. Industry和Development Method都選Smart Home
  6. Data Center都選起來
  7. Create
  8. 點選Project
  9. Service API\Go to Authorize\選擇 Device Status Notification
  10. Devices\Link Tuya App Account\Add App Account\出現QR Code
  11. 「智能生活」App\加入設備\掃描上一步的QR Code\全部+唯讀
  12. 正常的話,在App裡面的設備就會匯進來了
  13. 回到OverView,複製Access ID/Client ID和Access Secret/Client Secret
四、加入到Home Assistant
  1. 新增整合\Tuya
  2. 國家選United States,Tuya IOT Access ID和Tuya IOT存取私鑰輸入三-13的內容
  3. 收工



How do I compile ffmpeg on a QNAP NAS

Tested on QNAP TS-419p+ with ARM CPU, but should work the same way for others. Install “Optware (IPKG)” qpkg from  http://www.qnap.com/qpkg.asp In case the “ipkg update” fails, try to adjust the following two config files: [/opt/etc/ipkg] # more tsx19-kmod.conf src/gz cs08q1armel http://ipkg.nslu2-linux.org/feeds/optware/cs08q1armel/cross/unstable [/opt/etc/ipkg] # more tsx19.conf src/gz cs08q1armel http://ipkg.nslu2-linux.org/feeds/optware/cs08q1armel/cross/unstable ipkg update ipkg install optware-devel ipkg install git ipkg install yasm ipkg install lame mkdir /opt/compile cd /opt/compile git clone git://git.videolan.org/ffmpeg.git cd ffmpeg ./configure --enable-ssse3 --prefix=/opt --extra-cflags='-I/opt/include' --extra-ldflags='-L/opt/lib' --enable-static --disable-shared --disable-ffplay --disable-ffserver --enable-libmp3lame make make install replace built-in ffmpeg with link to new version rm /usr/bin/ffmpeg ln -s /opt/bin/ffmpeg /usr/bin http://bubbl

Setting up a CUPS server with Docker on a Synology NAS for my Brother printer

I made the unfortunate mistake of purchasing a cheap brother printer, the Brother HL-L2300D, which is USB only. And not only is it a USB printer, it is a Winprinter which makes it very limited in anything other than Windows. from Pocket http://ift.tt/2gbYuYH via IFTTT

台灣第一家「真.無人商店」登場,711 推出台灣第一家臉部辨識無人超商!

【我們為什麼挑選這篇文章】上週我們才看了亞馬遜盛大開幕,這週 711 就公布了無人商店實驗店,在這如雨後春筍般的無人商店潮中,我們的生活正在疾速變動。但我覺得全家的概念也蠻有意思的:「與其推出一間跨時代概 from Pocket http://ift.tt/2BCDxQp via IFTTT