

目前顯示的是 10月, 2020的文章

Garmin Forums

On Oct. 17th it performed a "sensor hub" update, after which the barometer/thermometer sensors stopped working. The altimeter now never changes. The altimeter calibration fails. The barometer reads 83886. The thermometer does not show any value. from Pocket https://ift.tt/2Tpmf4z via IFTTT 解決方法 Garmin-Andrew  6 months ago If you are experiencing this issue, you can backdate the Sensor Hub software on your watch to version 3.00. If you'd like to try this, here are the steps: Download the .GCD file attached to this post Connect watch to computer Open the Garmin drive Open the Garmin Folder Open the RemoteSW Folder Place the .GCD file into the RemoteSW Folder Edit the name of the .GCD file to remove "_force" from the name Safely eject the watch and power on GUP3467_FORCE.GCD


要從大量存取紀錄抓出外洩個資的內賊,非監督式學習的叢集演算法能派上用場 from Pocket https://ift.tt/3iJeSz1 via IFTTT