On Oct. 17th it performed a "sensor hub" update, after which the barometer/thermometer sensors stopped working. The altimeter now never changes. The altimeter calibration fails. The barometer reads 83886. The thermometer does not show any value.
from Pocket https://ift.tt/2Tpmf4z
If you are experiencing this issue, you can backdate the Sensor Hub software on your watch to version 3.00. If you'd like to try this, here are the steps:
- Download the .GCD file attached to this post
- Connect watch to computer
- Open the Garmin drive
- Open the Garmin Folder
- Open the RemoteSW Folder
- Place the .GCD file into the RemoteSW Folder
- Edit the name of the .GCD file to remove "_force" from the name
- Safely eject the watch and power on