

目前顯示的是 5月, 2020的文章

[Powershell] Convert Chinese character to pinying

Found a new job in Beijing, the company was using cloud stuff for infrastructure IT systems, like mail system, mobile messaging, IM. The company is going bigger and stronger, making more money, so the bosses decided update to AD/exchange/lync. from Pocket https://ift.tt/2X6BuSH via IFTTT

WSUS migration from 2012R2 to 2016

Install all Updates Copy WSUS folder from previous server. Switch off firewall on source WSUS server or open port 7000(TCP and UDP). On new server install SQL Management studio, , Microsoft Report Viewer 2012 Runtime Rename the database to SUSDB (if your database name is customized). from Pocket https://ift.tt/3d7m1Ho via IFTTT

Migrate WSUS Server from Server 2008/R2 to Server 2012/R2

The following procedure apply if you have an existing WSUS server installed on a Windows 2008 R2 OS with SQL Express and you wish to migrate to Windows Server 2012 R2 WSUS server and a separate backend database server. Log on to existing WSUS server. from Pocket https://ift.tt/2Hs3pBP via IFTTT

Cloudflare Best Practices

On this page: Learn how to configure Cloudflare settings to work properly with WP Engine, including CNAME flattening for DNS, SSL/TLS, CDN, Security, Caching, and Cloudflare WordPress plugin settings. Tags: Cache, CDN, cloudflare, cname, configuration, DNS, security, settings, SSL from Pocket https://ift.tt/2vLGVs7 via IFTTT

總統府遭駭 疑從私用電腦入侵

2020-05-22 05:30:00 〔記者蘇永耀、謝君臨、邱俊福、錢利忠/台北報導〕總統府疑遭駭客入侵,資料遭竊取變造後外流,總統府官員昨受訪表示,目前清查情況,府內網路尚無受到駭客入侵,不排除是有個別人員的私用電腦遭到駭 from Pocket https://ift.tt/2XnhtGg via IFTTT
from Pocket https://ift.tt/2X7FEbA via IFTTT

企業簡訊發送商出包 客戶PO網控訴裝死不回應

透過發送手機簡訊給消費者,已成為目前相當普遍的行銷手法,無論是傳遞廣告、繳費、重要資訊等,皆相當方便。知名起波器廠商和荷時際有限公司表示,因新產品蓮蓬頭上架集資平台,向簡訊平台Every8d購買企業簡訊方案, from Pocket https://ift.tt/2z4Wpwf via IFTTT

NTFSTool 讓 Mac 也能讀取和寫入 Windows 的 NTFS 檔案系統

如果你是 Mac 使用者,身邊的朋友同事都是使用 Windows,可能曾經遇過蘋果電腦無法正常支援 NTFS 磁碟格式的問題。偏偏在 Windows 格式化預先選擇的檔案系統就是 NTFS,最常見的就是將 USB 隨身碟或行動硬碟連接到 macOS 無法正常使 from Pocket https://ift.tt/3cwd1eQ via IFTTT


勒索軟體入侵台灣中油資訊系統,影響加油站運作,台塑集團內部也發現電腦藏病毒。Line Bank舉辦工程團隊線上招募說明會,可一窺這家純網銀所使用的相關技術,以及未來發展方向 from Pocket https://ift.tt/2WEdwNg via IFTTT

設定 Jetpack 網站加速器的圖片壓縮畫質教學(Photon CDN)

最近使用了 Piio 的 Image Speed Test 工具,也提到我正在研究一項適合免費資源網路社群的圖片壓縮功能,一直以來我都是使用 Cloudflare(本身除了加速分流也有圖片最佳化功能),另外我也相當推薦 WordPress 架站的站長使用 Jetpack from Pocket https://ift.tt/3dgyfgK via IFTTT

Caching Static HTML with WordPress/WooCommerce

Cloudflare Business and Enterprise plan customers are able to cache anonymous page views when using WordPress using our Bypass Cache on Cookie functionality. This allows for static HTML to be cached at our edge, with no need for it to be regenerated from request to request. from Pocket https://ift.tt/2ZX5pvk via IFTTT