


  • Log in to the server console.

  • Obtain the network interface name using the command below. Typically, the interface name is of the form enXXXX. Note the virtual machine’s IP address associated with the interface.

    sudo ifconfig
  • Create a configuration file for the network interface by copying an existing configuration file and placing it in the /etc/systemd/network directory. In this example, assume that the new configuration file is named 25-wired.network:

    cd /etc/systemd/network
    sudo cp 99-dhcp.network 25-wired.network
  • Edit the new configuration file and update it to look like the configuration below. Replace the INTERFACE-NAME, HOST-IP-ADDRESS and GATEWAY-IP-ADDRESS placeholders with the name of the network interface, the host IP address obtained previously, and the gateway IP address, as shown in the example.


    Here is an example screenshot:

    Address configuration

  • Save your changes and restart the virtual machine for the changes to take effect.




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