移至主內容 新聞 研究人員:HTTPS不如你想的安全,5.5%含有TLS漏洞 在Alexa流量排行榜上前1萬個HTTPS網站中,有5.5%的TLS加密傳輸含有安全漏洞 圖片來源: By Fabio Lanari - Internet1.jpg by Rock1997 modified., CC BY-SA 4.0, http://bit.ly/1BZnKFu. from Pocket http://bit.ly/2KoWQq9 via IFTTT
BookStack is a simple, self-hosted, easy-to-use platform for organising and storing information. BookStack is fully free and open, MIT licensed. The source is available on GitHub. There is no cost to downloading and installing your own instance of bookstack. from Pocket https://ift.tt/2vmtE6H via IFTTT