

目前顯示的是 1月, 2018的文章

台灣第一家「真.無人商店」登場,711 推出台灣第一家臉部辨識無人超商!

【我們為什麼挑選這篇文章】上週我們才看了亞馬遜盛大開幕,這週 711 就公布了無人商店實驗店,在這如雨後春筍般的無人商店潮中,我們的生活正在疾速變動。但我覺得全家的概念也蠻有意思的:「與其推出一間跨時代概 from Pocket http://ift.tt/2BCDxQp via IFTTT


一名IT經理臨危受命一項進度落後、但對公司未來影響重大的IT改造計畫,他得在90天內收拾爛攤子,讓專案起死回生,怎麼做到? from Pocket http://ift.tt/2GoJoN1 via IFTTT

未必遇上但保證實用 vSphere 6維運技巧( 下 )

上集文章介紹了如何解決IE和Chrome在vSphere Web Client的憑證警示問題、如何善用群組原則大量部署vCenter憑證、解決Firefox在vSphere Web Client的憑證警示問題,以及怎樣讓vSphere Web Client預先填好登入資訊,接著講解更多寶貴的實作經驗 from Pocket http://ift.tt/2CQxBso via IFTTT


from Pocket http://ift.tt/2DYlpDo via IFTTT


移至主內容 新聞 Google內部Linux作業系統從Ubuntu轉到Debian 2017年8月在DebConf17的一場閃電脫口秀中,Google工程師Margarita Manterola提到,Google會使用由Debian測試的gLinux,作為內部Linux桌面作業系統,並已開始轉移。 圖 from Pocket http://ift.tt/2mZZ3dd via IFTTT


WhatsApp Business 基本上就是讓店家或企業可直接和消費者以WhatsApp互動的工具,店家也可以自建問候訊息,介紹商品,還能透過統計工具得知訊息發送、送達及被讀取的狀況 from Pocket http://ift.tt/2EU205K via IFTTT

G Suite新增安全性管理工具,讓企業對資安威脅一目了然

新的安全性管理工具最主要的部份便是中控儀表板,一目了然的顯示眾多安全性指標,包括可疑裝置的活動,以及垃圾郵件和惡意軟體的活動。 from Pocket http://ift.tt/2mKj86G via IFTTT
from Pocket via IFTTT

3uTools 2.19 - 免費iPhone管理備份還原工具

免費iPhone管理備份還原工具 - 3uTools,全功能的iOS設備管理軟體,可以管理檔案、程式、照片、影片、桌布、鈴聲、越獄...等等,內建iPhone備份還原、JB及Flash、音樂轉檔、影片畫質轉檔、照片壓縮、音樂標籤編輯... from Pocket http://ift.tt/2mG1Doz via IFTTT

Zabbix Templates

Check out Zabbix searcher, which aggregate Zabbix projects from the GitHub. Here you can find official Zabbix templates, as bundled with the Zabbix installation. This can be useful, for example, if you have an upgraded Zabbix installation and would like to import new templates there. from Pocket http://ift.tt/2D06qHT via IFTTT

Monitoring Microsoft IIS Application Pools

For those who are not aware, IIS is a HTTP web server from Microsoft which can host both static and dynamic content. This is done by a Windows kernel-mode driver named http.sys. from Pocket http://ift.tt/2DsnO9d via IFTTT
from Pocket via IFTTT


IIS中會有許多的應用程式集區,有時在Debug時,要知道那個應用程式集區的「處理序識別碼」,在IIS7中,可透過「工作者處理序」來得知,如下, from Pocket http://ift.tt/2FzEXP0 via IFTTT

Windows Server IIS ASP.NET網站參數設定說明

Windows Server IIS ASP. from Pocket http://ift.tt/2DehRiB via IFTTT

IIS - ASP.NET 網站基本優化設定

運行 ASP.NET 基本上都是掛載在 IIS 上面,但 IIS 預設的設定,並不適合 24 小時不中斷的營運系統。 如果沒有適當的調整,可能會造成使用者的感受不佳,而你又偏偏不會遇到。 本篇將介紹 IIS 運行 ASP. from Pocket http://ift.tt/2eWSHL1 via IFTTT

IIS假死的原因和處理方法 · SSORC.tw

把應用程序池回收時間縮短到300-600分鐘,其間回收過程中,需要占用一點CPU資源,沒辦法,為了穩定性,再把回收時間設為凌晨5點。 from Pocket https://ssorc.tw/971 via IFTTT

Synology群暉 WebDAV讓NAS變成一顆網路硬碟,存取NAS中的檔案更方便

  一直以來梅干相當習慣使用Synology群暉的NAS,最主要的地方就在於,暉群的NAS不再只是一個網路備份碟,透過內建的應用程式,讓一台NAS就像足一台小主機一樣,可用來架站、網路相簿,甚至還可架設VPN與安裝VM、監視器, from Pocket http://ift.tt/2CR4gKF via IFTTT


微軟指出若在Windows 10上採用Haswell或更舊的處理器,可能會讓部份的使用者有感,而舊款處理器搭配Windows 7與Windows 8,修補後的效能下降會讓大多數用戶有感。 from Pocket http://ift.tt/2Esaa5g via IFTTT

英特爾公佈修補漏洞後的效能測試數據,Windows 10系統回應速度變慢最有感

英特爾測試第6、7、8代Core處理器在Windows 10系統上修補漏洞後,在不同應用上的效能表現差異,指出遊戲效能上幾無差異,網路應用效能降低7到10%,但在Windows 10系統回應速度上可能降低12到21%。 from Pocket http://ift.tt/2EydfAw via IFTTT
{ "syncToken": "1493993531", "createDate": "2017-05-05-14-12-11", "prefixes": [ { "ip_prefix": "", "region": "GLOBAL", "service": "AMAZON" }, { "ip_prefix": "", "region": "ap-southeast-2", "service": "AMAZON" }, { "ip_prefix": "13.56.0. from Pocket http://ift.tt/14ZcFtP via IFTTT

【照片實例 】 詳解風景攝影的構圖法則(下)

在上一篇的時候我們向大家介紹了關於關於風景攝影構圖法則的上篇,今天我們給大家帶來了風景攝影的構圖法則下篇。上篇向大家介紹的主要是畫面的結構要素和前景的作用,今天將繼續跟大家講解風景攝影的構圖密技。 from Pocket http://ift.tt/2EjIGyn via IFTTT

部署Docker Compose 實例示範定義檔撰寫

在此系列文章的第一篇「輕量虛擬化改寫IT歷史‧Docker容器技術細說從頭」(http://ift.tt/2BxaRKk. from Pocket http://ift.tt/2D5ePdI via IFTTT

DevOps “Agile” Operations

Kindly fill out the form to get access to our resources. from Pocket http://ift.tt/2CteSPq via IFTTT

在 Operations Management Suite 中使用服務對應解決方案

服務對應可自動探索 Windows 和 Linux 系統上的應用程式元件,並對應服務之間的通訊。Service Map automatically discovers application components on Windows and Linux systems and maps the communication between services. from Pocket http://ift.tt/2ojjlBK via IFTTT


The REST API allows you to control and extend Wekan with ease. If you are an end-user and not a dev or a tester, create an issue to request new APIs. from Pocket http://ift.tt/2E7T3pb via IFTTT

Using Automatic Failover

The Cluster Manager continuously monitors node availability and can automatically perform a hard failover of a node if it determines that a node is unavailable. from Pocket http://ift.tt/2EV2XeN via IFTTT

Architecture Overview

Couchbase Server is a distributed, open source NoSQL database engine. The core architecture is designed to simplify building modern applications with a flexible data model and simpler high availability, high scalability, high performance, and advanced security. from Pocket http://ift.tt/2EYmefF via IFTTT


Monitoring is a critical element for a successful deployment. This section provides an overview of the different monitoring capabilities available in Couchbase Server explains how to use them to learn more about cluster status, performance metrics, and other operational parameters. from Pocket http://ift.tt/2EXr7Wc via IFTTT

Backup and Restore

In a production environment, as part of an overall Disaster Recovery plan, you must plan to back up your entire cluster periodically. This helps ensure that you do not lose information in the event of a serious failure and minimizes data inconsistency when a restore is required. from Pocket http://ift.tt/2E80LQe via IFTTT

Sizing Your Couchbase Cluster: Couchbase Connect 2015

Upcoming SlideShare Loading in …5 × Sizing Your Couchbase Cluster: Couchbase Connect 2015 1. HOW MANY NODES? PROPERLY SIZING YOUR COUCHBASE CLUSTER Perry Krug Sr. Solutions Architect 2. ©2015 Couchbase Inc. 2 Read this Article: http://blog.couchbase. from Pocket http://ift.tt/2ESqQno via IFTTT

Best Practices: Sizing Couchbase Server Deployments

How many nodes? That is the million dollar question that we will answer during this session. Consider factors like RAM, Disk, CPU and your specific hardware and workload requirements to identify the ideal cluster size. from Pocket http://ift.tt/2EXkcfI via IFTTT

Best Practices for Views in Couchbase Server

Views in Couchbase Server are a very powerful feature that enables enterprises to build real time applications. However, indexing can be a pretty heavy-weight operation on your deployment. This session will briefly introduce you to views. from Pocket http://ift.tt/2E80vke via IFTTT

Scaling a Couchbase Cluster for Increasing and Decreasing Demand

When it comes to scaling a database, it is often a task that people want to avoid. For relational databases, which are often vertically sized databases, the administrators would have to take the database offline and add new hardware to the servers. from Pocket http://ift.tt/2EXqz2G via IFTTT


移至主內容 新聞 Redis爆量之後的四大考驗怎麼解決?360自行開發改用SSD的Redis相容平臺Pika 360由於業務多元,且大量透過Redis存取資料,在採用Redis好幾年之後,大容量的Redis開始出現問題,360如何打造兼顧Redis便利性,又 from Pocket http://ift.tt/2COO5OA via IFTTT

不再把客戶綁在雲端,Amazon釋出離線版Linux 2,還享5年技術支援

現在Amazon的用戶不再只能選擇雲端上的Linux 2,也能選擇離線版,裝在企業擁有的伺服器上,或是其他虛擬技術上,如Docker、VMware、甲骨文VirtualBox 或是微軟Hyper-V。 from Pocket http://ift.tt/2lT9v5P via IFTTT