Even though we believe our System Performance and Sizing Site is easier to setup, maintain and use than Microsoft’s System Center Operations Manager, some of our customers also require the advanced monitoring that SCOM provides. from Pocket http://ift.tt/2zYIFRM via IFTTT
Here is a step by step upgrade path from System Center Configuration Manager 2012 SP2 hosted on Windows Server 2012 R2 to System Center Configuration Manager 1702 or later hosted on Windows Server 2016. from Pocket http://ift.tt/2z4c2Tr via IFTTT
Welcome to Rancher China 全栈化容器管理平台 深入了解 部署Rancher 中国平安 选用Rancher作为容器云基础平台,为每个租户提供独立部署的环境; 多套Rancher环境同时与中国平安的管理平台对接,完成集中和分布相结合的管理 from Pocket http://ift.tt/2iY0dTO via IFTTT
Prepare the nodes that will be used in the HA setup. These nodes should meet the same requirements as a single node setup of Rancher. (Optional) Pre-pulling the rancher/server:v1.0.2 image onto the Rancher nodes. Currently, our HA setup supports 3 cluster sizes. from Pocket http://ift.tt/2zlftlq via IFTTT
Set File->Options->Trust Center->Trust Center Settings…->External Content->Security settings for Workbook Links = Disable automatic update of Workbook Links. from Pocket http://ift.tt/2hn3gsd via IFTTT
To support many applications, it makes sense for the database to work with JSON data, because it is the built-in way for a JavaScript or TypeScript application to represent object data. from Pocket http://ift.tt/2xt2yMG via IFTTT
We can find if an Active Directory user is member of an AD group using Get-ADGroupMember cmdlet. In this article, I am going to write powershell script to check if user is exists in a group or nested group, and check multiple users are member of an AD group. from Pocket http://ift.tt/2jaYoqp via IFTTT
我自己這幾年來都非常習慣使用ClipX這款剪貼簿增強軟體,雖然ClipX目前仍然可以滿足我的複製貼上需求,但ClipX真的太久沒更新,功能自然也原地踏步。於是心血來潮,決定用看看善用佳軟強力推薦的剪貼簿軟體:「Ditto」,初 from Pocket http://ift.tt/1jFmpzj via IFTTT
Welcome to gShell! PowerShell Cmdlets for G Suite Administration gShell is a toolset to help you access and manage information from your G Suite (formerly Google Apps) domain through Windows PowerShell. from Pocket http://ift.tt/2asTPDi via IFTTT
GAM is a command line tool for Google G Suite Administrators to manage domain and user settings quickly and easily. Download the MSI Installer from the GitHub Releases page. Install the MSI and you'll be prompted to setup GAM. from Pocket http://ift.tt/1DLrsFk via IFTTT
移至主內容 新聞 OPNFV專案推新NFV平臺也擁抱容器技術,要讓虛擬網路功能也能跑在容器上 專作開源NFV平臺的OPNFV專案,在最新釋出的Euphrates版本中,開始支援容器技術,讓過去只能跑在VM上的VNF虛擬網路功能(如vFW、vR from Pocket http://ift.tt/2z3g7GA via IFTTT
上星期因為PChome特價2016版的Macbook Pro,由於價格實在太殺了,所以梅干也忍不住手滑了一台,當拿到新電腦時還蠻開心的,但新款的Macbook,為了讓電腦變得更輕薄,所以將原先的IO埠全部都拿掉,只剩下四個Type-C插槽,對 from Pocket http://ift.tt/2gUSFAH via IFTTT
在網站或服務建置完成後,開發者會透過各種工具來檢測網站是否正常,就拿我個人經驗來說,我是一定會使用 Google PageSpeed Insights(現在還要加上 AMP Validator)及 W3C Validator,前者主要針對網站效能最佳化的部份進行檢測,後 from Pocket http://ift.tt/2yl3OG3 via IFTTT
根據應用標準的全球儲存網路產業協會(SNIA)所公布的軟體定義式儲存工作草案,定義出軟體可以提供儲存資源的政策管理,並能選用重複資料刪除、遠端複製、精簡配置(Thin Provisioning)、快照與備份等進階延伸功能,在ScaleI from Pocket http://ift.tt/2zVOqw8 via IFTTT